If you had to sumup what puberty is all about in a few sentences, I bet you would nail it. How about ‘peri-menopause’? Can you sum that up in a few sentences beyond the stereotypical ‘Hot Flash’? Don’t worry, many can’t. I used to be in that camp too, but no more.
In fact, I’m on a mission to empower women (and men too if they are interested … they should be 😉 to better navigate this stage of life. I believe that the number one thing we mid-life women need is knowledge. Because knowledge gives you choices. Choices about whom to work with (doctor, nurse, coach, therapist, etc), choices about how to nourish and move your body and soul and choices about what resources and products to consume. All so that you can be Fit, Fierce and Fabulous in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond!
Although no-one’s peri/menopause journey is the same, there are certain common signs and symptoms. But do you know what they all are? I walked into per-menopause five years ago thinking I really knew what I was in for. Yet, it took me a long time to figure out that the ‘unexplained’ fatigue I was experiencing was very much a part of my peri-menopause journey. And so were the mood changes. Do you know that the highest rate of female suicide happens between the ages of 45 and 60! (Don’t worry, I am not anywhere near that cliff). Doesn’t that statistic bring up a lot of questions? I does for me.
And speaking of things that have opened my mind about this phase of life. Andrea Donsky, a Menopause Coach at MorpheUs, surveyed 3082 women in perimenoapuse and menopause about their symptoms and these were the results. See full study results here. Fascinating, right? Or scary? What did you find most surprising? For me it was that hot flashes, the sterotypical symptom of menopause, was almost last on the list. And that 4 out of the top 10 symptoms had to do with cognitive issues. This brings me to another amazing woman who is doing good work in this field. Lisa Masconi, pHD, a neuroscientist focused on women’s health and how genetics, environment, and lifestyle literally shape the brain – the female brain, in particular.
Ah, so much to learn and explore. Are you with me? For more, please join me and my colleague, Sytera Field, for a FREE, fun and informative Webinar on this topic on August 24th at 7:30 pm, ET.