Step Into Love For Yourself This Mother’s Day

One of the most powerful lessons I learned years ago in nutrition school was that nutrition is more than the food on your plate. Dubbed Primary Food by my pioneering teacher, Joshua Rosenthal, this concept is one I’ve incorporated into my health coaching practice for almost a decade.

It’s the holistic piece of holistic health coaching, and what separates my training from traditional modalities that narrowly focus on ‘calories in and calories out’ and ‘eat this, don’t eat that’. It’s the interconnectedness of food and ones lifestyle, which creates truly deep nourishment on every level – mind, body and soul.

I’ve written about primary food before, but in honor of Mother’s Day, I thought it appropriate to bring it up again. Even for me as a health coach (and mom!), I feel guilty for simply craving some time for myself on Mother’s Day. I kept imagining a day to just ‘be’. A day without the regular weekend activities.

I know there are other moms out there who wish for some solo time on Mother’s Day, but don’t express their desires. They may feel guilty for not wanting to spend the whole day with their well-intentioned kids. They may even worry that this means they are being selfish.

This Mother’s Day I Offer some Holistic Health Coaching

I’m here to tell you it’s not selfish. Honoring your needs is nourishing on a level that even green smoothies can’t reach.

As proof, I wanted to share with you my (somewhat) audacious, self-supporting decision for this year. I gave myself a pre-Mother’s Day retreat. Just me. Yep!

I packed my overnight bag and drove about 90 minutes outside of Washington, DC to spend two glorious days alone at a cute B&B in Shepardstown, WV. With no plan, all I hoped to do was to catch up with my spirit, read, wonder, explore, journal, practice yoga and just ‘be’.

Of course I scouted out the best health food cafe in town but I brought a few good snacks along as well.


Sometimes all we need to do is fill up our own cup in order to give the best of who we are to our loved ones. This is primary food. That’s deep self care that creates lasting wellness.

Whether you are celebrating on your own this Mother’s Day or with loved ones, think about what will be most meaningful and nourishing not just today but going forward. Learn more about how I can help you nourish yourself – no matter what time of year.

Wishing you a nourishing and happy Mother’s Day!