Is Detox Passé?

I am getting ready to launch another seasonal detox program, and I find myself questioning if this is something people still want to hear about.

Is ‘detoxing’ a fad that has come and gone? Have people finally had it with detoxing?

Looking at the number of people signing up for my program, it’s clear detoxing still holds an appeal! In fact, an increasing number of people are coming back for their 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th times. I want to thank those people who have continued to practice such self-care and be so loyal to me. Also, I have a handful of serial detox participants who’ve done this program close to a dozen times! So there’s evidence that people still want healthy detox programs, and consider the benefits of detoxing as a ritual. If anyone makes it to 20 programs, I will provide a few therapist recommendations. Just kidding.

Maybe the reason I wonder if detox is becoming ‘passé’ is that it’s no longer a new concept. Almost everyone has heard of it, and has an opinion about what it can do. When I started to offer detox programs back in 2011, I’m sure some clients signed up just to try a new, ‘in’ experience. Now the idea, science and benefits are commonly known, and what is apparent is detoxing works. So while the word may be old news, the good things a detox can do for your body will never get old.

And if I was still in doubt, the Detox Summit I participated in last week confirmed that Detoxification is not a fad concept; rather, it’s an essential routine for anyone interested in getting healthy and keeping chronic illness at bay. The reality is, we live in a toxic world! According to the nonprofit organization Environmental Working Group, the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood.

Toxins are all around us, and hopefully they pass through us with a little help. They’re in our environment (our food, air, water, household products, personal care and beauty products) and inside our body. Yes, we store toxins in our fat cells! Bad bacteria (which flourishes in our guts with the Standard American Diet, aka SAD) creates waste, which is toxic to our cells. Even chronic stress is toxic to our bodies and has a role in health and disease. 

Yet, this amazing body we have works hard each and every day to neutralize and minimize these toxins. This is the good news. The bad news is that for most of us, unless we actively work on supporting and nourishing (oiling) our detox organs, we’re gonna get overburdened. This will have an impact on our health.

Symptoms of toxicity that build up over time will show up in many ways including:

  • Indigestion, bloating and tummy trouble
  • Frequent sinus congestion, sneezing, and coughing
  • Fatigue, cravings, and fuzzy thinking
  • Insomnia and lethargy
  • Headaches, joint pain and muscle aches  
  • Inability to loose weight
  • Bad breath and foul smelling stool  
  • Sleep problems 

I make this list not to scare you, but to help you to watch out for these symptoms. I assure you that you have the power to minimize your exposure to and lessen the effects of toxins in your body and ultimately on your overall health and well being.
So maybe we can’t avoid where we live and what’s in the soil and the air, but we have a choice at least 3 times a day (through food) to have a significant impact on our toxic burden. It really is a choice!

There are people who choose to work consistently on their health and wellness routines like my one-on-one clients do, and other people who treat these detox periods like HIIT exercise – High Intensity (Interval) Training. I’ve designed my seasonal detox programs to be effective whatever approach you take – the program is time-confined, tasty, convenient, and easy for people to fit into their lives.

I know that detoxing is immensely beneficial to your body, mind and overall health, and I’m convinced that the practice is here to stay. To all the people out there who have never had the chance to see how good a detox can feel, consider my program as a gentle, doable approach. For my returning participants, I look forward to sharing new tips to reduce toxic exposure in our home environment.

autumn-2016-sample-menuSo regardless of where you are on your wellness journey, know that a routine detox is as important as a routine tune-up for your car, a routine check-up with the doc, or enjoying your vacation days to reset and rejuvenate body and soul. And for those of you who have been through my detox program a number of times, I am considering an ‘Level 2 – Advanced Detox Program.’ I would love to hear your thoughts about this.


Here is one day’s sample menu from my upcoming Autumn Detox. As you can see, this is not about deprivation. This is all about scrumptious nourishment on every level. I invite you to ‘Fall into Wellness’ with me!

Yours in health,