Change your thoughts, change your life

Halloween has just past, Thanksgiving is fast approaching and Christmas and Hanukkah are just around the corner. With endless social gatherings, loads of unhealthy foods around, and an endless list of to-do’s it’s easy to let your healthy habits fall by the wayside with the intention to begin fresh in the new year!

Don’t let this be you!

You don’t want to start the new year feeling tired, bloated, out of shape and completely exhausted.

Instead, consider ‘now’ as the time to reach deep and stay focused on your dedication to your health and well being. One of the ways to tackle the holiday challenge is to practice using positive affirmations.

In case you’re wondering what that means … affirmations are short, positive statements about something you would like to attract or display. They are meant to program the brain to increase your sense of self-worth. The idea is to use affirmations to focus your attention on your goals, thereby making your goals a reality. You may be thinking, “This won’t work for me,” but I dare you to try it!

By replacing the negative spiral of thoughts (such as; “why did I eat that’, ‘I’m just not going to be able to keep it together’; ‘I always fail at this’; ‘here I go again’ etc.) with positive affirmations you send positive messages to your unconscious mind so that you start to think and behave in a more constructive and positive way towards yourself. Repeating affirmations over and over impresses the subconscious mind to such a degree that it slowly starts transforming your actions to align with the healthy thoughts.

So how do you do this? Start by finding 2-3 affirmations that speak to you. Here are some suggestions.

  • I am strong and healthy and I make healthy choices
  • It’s ok to take time for myself so that I can show up as the best version of myself for others
  • I remember how my body craves movement and activity, so I honor my body’s needs
  • I can connect with the true spirit of the holiday season, which is one of love and joy, without overindulging
  • I am no longer the person who eats poorly
  • I am committed to living a healthy lifestyle and enjoy the benefits
  • I am peaceful and calm and choose only the best for my health
  • My desire for healthy food is increasing
  • I love every cell of my body
  • I am full of energy, I am vibrant and I look great!

Slowly repeat your chosen affirmations often throughout the day. Put an affirmation on your refrigerator, in your journal, on your bathroom mirror, set a reminder on your phone with an affirmation in the afternoon right around snack time and another after dinner.

This one simple change may be the final key to the puzzle of maintaining your health.

If we can change the way we think, it will ultimately change the behavior that follows, which will propel your life over time in an entirely new direction!

The more you repeat the affirmations, the more they become a part of you and your subconscious. Over time you will see your healthy lifestyle emerge; changing not only your thought pattern, but your inner self-esteem and your actions.  So start talking yourself up!

Now it is your turn. What are some positive affirmations that come to mind? Please list the ones that make you feel genuine and are empowering.