4 Ways To Start Practicing Gratitude

Every night as I crawl into bed, I think of my ‘list of three things’ and text it over to my friend. She replies with her list. This started as a pandemic coping strategy and has now become an essential part of my wellness routine.

No, it is not a to-do list or a rant about all the things that went wrong that day (although that could be an easy list to write given the tendency for negativity bias many of us have). It’s a different kind of list. One that allows me to be positive and have better emotional resilience.

Much about this year has given us reasons to worry and feel hopeless. It’s in these times that it’s very easy to lose sight of all of the goodness we’ve already created in our lives. So how do we move out of a mindset of “lack” and negativity into a mindset of abundance and positivity? Through the practice of gratitude. That is the list!

I am talking about really taking the time to notice and reflect upon all the big AND especially the little things that are good in our world. It is well-established that people who do this exercise experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express greater compassion and kindness, have increased emotional resilience and have even stronger immune systems!

This habit of gratitude is really simple. All it requires is for us to notice or reflect upon the little things that might happen in a day that give us joy, insight, inspiration, laughter, or comfort. It could be the sound of rain, a pretty view, a sunrise walk, an intimate conversation, a completed task, a picture that brought good memories, something that made you laugh, a quality you observed in a loved one or yourself, a tasty meal, etc. You get the gist.

When we train the mind to notice all the good that happens and is, we also become more mindful of each moment. We train the mind to look for the good more often. And we crowd out those things that used to annoy or distract us. It is quite powerful. As Willie Nelson said,”When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”

If this is not a part of your wellness routine, here are some ways to get started with a gratitude practice

Bedtime Ritual – Count gratitude’s instead of sheep! When you close your eyes to go to sleep, think about five things for which you are grateful. Keep thinking of five new things until you fall asleep.

Gratitude Journal – In a beautiful journal, write down at least three for which you are grateful. For consistency, pick a specific time of day and develop a routine, such as first thing in the morning, the last thing you do before leaving your office, or at night before bed.

Digital Gratitude – Download a gratitude app that sends a daily reminder asking you to record those things for which you are grateful. Great for those who might otherwise forget.

Social Gratitude – Ask a friend or a family member to be your gratitude accountability buddy. The bonus here is you’ll be held accountable to look for all the good even on a ‘bad day’. And the gratitude I read from my friend are also uplifting for me to read.

Tonight, you will be on my mind as I think about how grateful I am for having you in my wellness community!

I am sending you best wishes for a Holiday season filled with moments and things to be thankful for. May the New Year bring you hope, health and happiness!

With love and gratitude,