No Fuss Healthy Meal Prep Is Really A Thing!

That’s right, assembling a few ingredients in the kitchen IS homemade cooking in my book. And it can easily be done in a really healthy way. I just proved that this month. After a busy holiday season, I decided to abandon the ‘hit the ground running on New Year’s resolutions’ plan and instead take the ‘winter is for hibernating’ approach.

I was inspired by my 5 Rhythm dance teacher to let our outside reflect what we feel on the inside. She always says, ‘if you feel tired, dance tired, but keep moving’. The authenticity in that message speaks to me and one of my intentions for this year is to have the courage to show up ‘as I am’. I proceeded to cancel or reschedule friend gatherings, delay and delegate work projects, and give myself full permission to take time for ME and do all the things I knew would rejuvenate me (alone time, naps, sauna, walks in nature, Breathwork, read, journal AND no fuss meal prep!). Ah, what a gift it was and continues to be.

I chose clean and simple food ingredients and meals that required only assembly (like a delicious salad) or minimal cooking. Here is a short list of what’s been on my plate in case you are also hibernating or don’t have time or interest in spending many hours in the kitchen. I hope these are helpful.

Breakfast Options (I sometimes skip it and go straight to lunch during the first half of my cycle when I practice most intermittent fasting)


  • Frozen and thawed mixed berries + scoop of sunflower seed butter + 1 Tbsp hemp seeds + 1 Tbsp ground flax seeds
  • Two pastured eggs over easy + 3 Bilinski breakfast sausage links + sautéed veggie (anything I have available)
  • Icelandic Provisions vanilla Skyr + stewed apples (I did muster up the energy to make these – see IG)
  • Cocojune yogurt + collagen powder (since plant-based yogurt has almost no protein) + mixed berries + walnuts

Lunch Options

Snack Options

Dinner Options

  • Rotisserie organic chicken from WF + heated pre-cooked rice + steamed broccoli with Borsari seasoning + olive oil
  • Leftover Spiced Lentil Soup (comes together fast if you buy pre-chopped onion, carrot, celery and sweet potatoes) ) + cucumber slices on the side
  • Baked sweet potato + black beans (canned) + avocado + Primal Kitchen Chipotle Mayo + cilantro
  • Lemon Steamed Salmon + steamed green beans with Borsari 

As you can see, healthy eating doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, it’s quite simple. Focus on real food with few ingredients (hint – if your grandmother wouldn’t recognize some of the ingredients, it’s probably not food!) and give yourself permission to buy some pre-cut (veggies or salad bar) or blended (dressings, hummus, etc) things that can be assembled into a delicious and healthy meal. Each of these combinations took less than 15 min to prepare.

If you are looking for more inspiration around food, healthy eating and nourishing self-care, I invite you to join my upcoming 21-Day RESET where I will share all my secrets for staying healthy no matter how much time you’re ready to spend in the kitchen. Of course, I’ll also give you all those recipes for fancier meals ;). We start on Feb 6th.

Last but not least, I have one opening for a new client in my private practice. If you want some 1-1 attention on your unique health situation, hop on my calendar and book a FREE 15-minute zoom conversation with me to see how I can best help you.

Here’s to you finding your unique flow and rhythm for good health this year.

Yours in health,