*Grow* this Summer

Oh summer, how I love thee … the sheer bounty of fresh, local fruits and veggies. Vibrant, bright sun in a cloudless blue sky. Long, warm nights to share with friends and family that allows you to feel like there’s more day in your day. Can you relate?

And, one thing I look forward to in summer is a change to the daily routine. School’s out and with it brings a new sense of aliveness, an inspiration to do something new and different. A chance to *grow* personally (though growing a garden is recommended too!).

I truly believe life begins at the end of your comfort zone because it gives you a chance to grow. Summer creates that unique opportunity to break from the norm, to step out of your comfort zone. I recently stepped outside of my comfort zone by entering one of those obstacle races that have been popping up all over in the country these last few years. Though I don’t normally do those kind of things, I decided to try it out to shake up my workout routine. I asked a couple of friends if they would join me. We signed up for a Warrior Dash Mud Run. I had no idea what I was really getting myself into, but it was a way to bond with my girlfriends, be out in nature, challenge myself, helping each other through the course and rooting each other on. And some good ‘ol playing in the mud like kids!

Warrior Dash Mud Run May 16, 2015

Finding ways for personal growth is a big part of how I coach my clients. It’s the part of wellness that is beyond food into what we call primary food, as I talked about in my last blog post. As a Nutrition and Wellness Coach, I see major changes when my clients try new things they previously thought weren’t possible for them. Taking risks and trying new things maximizes our human potential.

So how can you step outside of your comfort zone this summer and grow? It doesn’t have to be jaw-dropping major. Maybe it’s that salsa dance class you’ve thought about for years? Audition for community theater that you’ve daydreamed about for years? Maybe it’s sharing a poem you write you’ve never shared before with a friend? Try one of the many new adult summer camps that have popped up around the country? Or even taking my next detox  as a way to deepen your connection to yourself and well-being?

Hop over to my Facebook page and share your ideas about how to shake things up this summer. I’d love to amass a huge list of great ideas to inspire the Simple Well Being community!

Yours in health,