Should you go gluten free?

On a recent trip to Iceland, I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. Knowing about my profession, she quickly turned the conversation to health and nutrition.

“I’ve decided to go gluten-free” she says. As she continued on I stopped and asked, “Really? Why? What are your symptoms? And why do you think being gluten free will help you?” Suddenly she had nothing to say. She had no symptoms. No sensitivities. So why was she going to completely alter her lifestyle and go gluten-free? “Because I hear it is healthier to be gluten free and maybe I will loose some weight” she said. In other words, sugar-free and fat-free are out and gluten-free is in!

Curious, yet misinformed by all of the marketing ploys, she figured she would give it a shot. To her, this meant going to the grocery store and stocking up on everything labeled gluten-free, a costly venture not only for her wallet, but also for her body. The truth is a gluten-free diet is a tricky one. And if you’re not careful you can wind up buying gluten-free food that is actually higher in calories, fat and sugar, and lower in fiber and protein ultimately doing more harm than good. Also, many people don’t realize all the places where gluten hides and think they have been gluten free when in fact, they haven’t.

The question then becomes should she go gluten-free? Should you? Perhaps. But before you start along this path consider a few things. First, if you have digestive symptoms, I recommend an examination by a physician before you cut out any gluten. Reason being, it is virtually impossible to diagnose celiac disease without the presence of gluten in your system. So make the appointment if you have digestive symptoms!

So… should you go gluten free?

If you don’t have celiac disease but suspect non-celiac gluten sensitivity, I recommend working with a nutrition coach to find the eating lifestyle right for you. A lifestyle which excludes gluten-free junk food and maybe gluten all together.

Another alternative is to start replacing a few foods at a time. You may be surprised to find it isn’t gluten itself (the protein found in products containing wheat, rye or barley), but rather the amount of processed foods you are consuming. By simply adding more greens while removing processed foods you will provide your body much of the nourishment it needs to thrive. In fact, as a result you may see your symptoms begin to vanish altogether.

Remember, gluten-free is the new craze and manufacturers are trying to get you as customers. Don’t be fooled by the labels. Some of these foods will leave you bloated, tired, craving sugar and gaining weight. Which may be why you wanted to go gluten-free in the first place!

Are you still wondering if gluten-free is the answer to your health issues, or do you know that you have gluten sensitivity and need support in replacing gluten in your diet? Please feel free to contact me directly

Bottom line, you deserve to live your life the clean and healthy way. And that begins with making smart choices and being diligent about what you put and don’t put in your body!